Change the world

one course at a time

Elements of a great course

Increase user satisfaction

We apply experience and knowledge to course design providing an engaging and interactive user experience.

Increase user engagement

We apply strategies such as gamification, interactive simulations, and real-world scenarios.

Increase learning outcomes

We work with you to design tasks that can best demonstrate learning and ensure students’ progress.

Key Stages in our Course Design

Step 1:

Establish Learning Objectives

What should students know, understand, and be able to do?

Firstly we clarify/establish learning objectives with your subject experts to narrow and prioritize topics, concepts, or skills that students should know or be able to do by the end of your lesson, course unit, or full-semester course.

Design Effective Learning Objectives

Step 2:

Determine Acceptable Evidence

What will you accept as evidence that students are making progress toward their learning?

We work with you to determine how students can best demonstrate their learning, differentiating introductory versus advanced knowledge and skills, and build in opportunities to check in with students’ learning, and surface inequities in learning opportunities.

Design Effective Assessments

Step 3:

Design Experiences to Support Student Learning

What activities, assignments, or discussions will help prepare students to demonstrate their learning?

We work with you to explore active learning strategies that meaningfully engage students in their learning, build on prior knowledge, and foster collaboration. 

Design Active Learning Opportunities

What training do you need to cover?

  • Changes to legislation

  • Changes to internal policies and procedures

  • New compliance requirements set by regulatory bodies

  • Audits, onsite assessments and review audits

  • Performance against relevant Standards

  • Internal adverse events, incidents and near-misses

  • The implementation of new products and equipment.

Micro learning specialists

What can we bring to your course development?

  • identify structural components of the program to respond to industry need

  • facilitate stakeholder interviews

  • identify capacity of existing programs within the organisation to re-package to the new program

  • embed graduate learning outcomes

  • embed appropriate pedagogical approaches

  • embed flexible learning opportunities

  • assure learning volume and depth are in line to AQF and ASQA

  • develop learning outcomes and assessment mapped across the curriculum

We can develop full courses to be run on your LMS

The student is at the centre of our approach to designing learning, training and teaching. We design learning experiences that meet the needs of your organisation, your students and the current and future workforce.

Our course design and development process is designed to support your organisations strategy for learning and the student experience, a learning experience that incorporates:

  • inclusive practice

  • interaction with technology

  • authentic assessment.

As online education design professional, we understand that students often choose online learning because it offers a flexible approach to education. Our course design is underpinned by:

  • a variety of contemporary digital pedagogies

  • the features and benefits of current and emerging technologies.

Where appropriate, we also draw on specific pedagogical approaches that acknowledge Indigenous ways of knowing and teaching.